Saturday, May 19, 2007

Pants on Fire

I love Meg Cabot. She writes funny books and I love to laugh. And laugh I did with her newest book, Pants on Fire. Teenage girls will love this book and many will really identify with it.
Katie Ellison is a liar. She lies to her parents, she lies to her brother, she lies to her best friend, she lies to her two boyfriend, who aren't aware of each other and most importantly, she lies to herself. She tells so many lies that she can't keep the lies straight . All of her lying started with that night, four years ago, when Tommy Sullivan was driven out of town.
But now Tommy Sullivan is back and Katie is sure he is out for revenge. Katie will do anything to keep her "dishonest" life in existence, even if it means telling more lies.
Great book. Girls will love it.

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