Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Unlikely Romance of Kate Bjorkman

The Unlikely Romance of Kate Bjorkman by Louise Plummer is a great book to use to teach writing . Kate Bjorkman tells us the story of her latest romance. Through Kate's writing, a person can see the writing process in action. What is really good about it, is she talks to the audience about her writing and why she writes the way she does. You go into her head and she tells us what she is thinking about with her writing. There are many teaching points that teachers can use from this book, including the writing process, voice, character development and humor.

Kate Bjorkman tells the story of her teen romance by using The Romance Writer's Handbook.
This six-foot tall heroine with glasses thick as Coke bottles and an I.Q. off the charts proves that true love awaits even the gawkiest, most socially inept teen. With a surprise Christmas visit from her older brother, his wife, and from college friends, one of whom is a former neighbor and Kate's dream hunk(Richard), Kate experiences young love. Fleur, whom Kate believes to be Richard's girlfriend, combines perfect California good looks with a great sense of humor. Ashley, Kate's nubile, popular best friend, lets raging hormones stampede loyalty and horns in on Richard, even though Kate has identified him as the man of her dreams thus a perfect romance-fiction villain is born. After much humorous travail, everything sorts itself out, and Kate lives happily for the six weeks that her romance has lasted.

Cute book. Great teaching tool.

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